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Facilitator directory


Tracy Hayward

Ngati Maahanga
Ngati Maru
Ngati Hine


I completed a Bachelor of Media & Creative Technologies at the University of Waikato and am currently working towards a Bachelor of Nursing. I aim to use digital storytelling to promote better hauora outcomes. I believe in the power of storytelling to heal and foster deeper connections to our identity and aspirations.

Storytelling through digital mediums allows this and helps us to connect to who we are, where we come from and where we want to go in the world.


Amy McLean

Ngaati Maahanga, Waikato


Amy is the Founder of Te Kāinga Wāhine, an organisation that grows and develops business and leadership capabilities in wāhine.

Te Kāinga Wāhine is set with the view that we all stand with leadership in us, and woven into that leadership are the unique stories we hold. Digital storytelling is a holistic process for bringing these stories to life.

Jamie-Lee Jack-Kino

Jamie Jack-Kino

Ngati Ranginui, Ngai Te Rangi, Waikato, Ngai Tai, Ngati Awa, Ngati Porou, Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri, Kuki Airani, Kotirana

I have an educational and career background in Te Reo Maori & Business administration, most recently in the tertiary education sector. However, my passions have always been in the areas of Toi, Hītori & Taiao.

I have three beautiful tamariki, and I think digital storytelling is relevant to them in todays world. Through learning how to create digital stories, I am now able to capture important kōrero and produce valuable resources for them to keep and hand down through the generations.

My goal as a facilitator is to tautoko my whānau and Hapū, to empower them to create and capture their own kōrero, and to help those who are lost or struggling to heal and reconnect to their identities through storytelling.


Roimata (Keogh) Harmon

My bloodlines connect me to Hangatiki in Te Rohe Pōtae and Waimamaku in the Hokianga. My tāne and tamariki connect me to Co. Kerry, Ireland.

I strive to be a good mokopuna for my tupuna and a good tupuna for my mokopuna.
I have always been inquisitive, asking questions that lead to a deeper understanding of people, places and situations. There is magic and healing in being able to capture the generational gems and share them with others.


Justice Tapara

Ngāti Maniapoto
Ngāti Huiao
Ngāti Peehi
Ngāti Te Kanawa
Ngāti Tamainu-pō
Ngāti Waha
Ngāti Ngutu
Ngāti Ira
Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa
Ko Justice Kelly Tapara tōku ingoa.
Kei Te Rohe Pōtae ahau.

“Ehara taku toa, he toa takitahi I te toa takitini.”
– the success is not my own, but that of a collective.

This kaupapa has provided not only myself but also our wider whānau with the chance of having our voices heard in the most magical way. I’m a māmā of three, currently on a journey of reconnecting to our whenua, whakapapa & whānau. Our journey has begun here in our rohe and I’m beyond excited to hear & see where this digital storytelling space takes us along the way.

All for our sense of belonging, our tupuna, our tamariki & our mokopuna.

Meralda Walters

Meralda Walters

Hauraki, Waikato

My name is Meralda Walters, I come from the Hauraki area, and I live in paeroa.

My connection to digital storytelling is being a part of telling my story, and now I have the opportunity to be a part of a beautiful kaupapa that will allow me to support others to tell their story.

Kane Wharepouri

Kane Wharepouri

Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Urunumia, Ngaati Te Kanawa


Kane has a background in media, music and radio production.

After forty years, he has realised that life is short. Knowledge is lost every single day, especially generational knowledge. With technology today, we are now in a position to capture and preserve our history for the future. It is our responsibility to capture this for future generations.

Amelia Gray

Amelia Gray

Maahanga te tupuna
Pirongia te maunga
Waitetuna te awa
Aramiro te paa
Moerangi te whenua
Ko Amelia Gray ahau

Whanau & Kaumatua advocate

Amelia has a passion for capturing personal stories from kaumatua as a ‘taonga’ for mokopuna, whanau, hapu and iwi. He Tauawhi ki te Koniahi provides a safe environment to share personal, authentic and meaningful stories digitally.

Cat Rikihana

Catherine ‘Cat’ Rikihana

Ngai Tahu, Ngati Mamoe, Waitaha (Ki Manawatū)


As a financial wellbeing coach, educator and life coach Cat works with clients who might be sharing life stories for the first time. When introduced to digital storytelling Cat knew it would be a powerful way to invite people to capture and share their stories. Cat is currently gathering stories from people’s experiences in navigating the increased cost of living in Aotearoa and working with whānau to capture legacy stories for future generations.

Nikki Koroheke

Nikki Koroheke

Ko Nikki Koroheke ahau

“Work hard, Be Kind, Stay Humble”
A saying my Dad would always say

I am a Mum and a Nani trying to help my whānau on their own personal journeys in life. I have always had a passion for art and fell into this field by trying to bring out the stories behind the art at my marae Te Kauae, in Hangatiki.

Linda Keogh

Linda Keogh

He uri teenei e heke mai nei I Te Paeroa o Toi te Huatahi.
Ko Ngahutoitoi tooku tuurangawaewae, e noho nei I nga referee o Karangahake.
Ko Ngaati Tara Tokanui ooku iwi

Digital Storytelling is a powerful and uplifting process where whaanau get to express something deeply important to them. I look forward to supporting whaanau through this amazing process.